Beloved, with the spread of the contagious Corona Virus or COVID-19, every day we exist on planet Earth is a bonus irrespective of race, colour, tribe, religion,age or any other divide.
This is the reason why we have to move closer to the CREATOR because we don't know exactly the hour when death will come knocking.. We can not be too careful because there is yet to be any cure for the attack by the virus.
Given this circumstance, is it not high time we put an end to the various issues that cause frictions in society worldwide? Wars, insurgency, ethnic rivalry, genocide and other forms of atrocities caused by hatred in Humanity?
We do not have any control over tomorrow. Why don't we spread the message of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE especially in this dark period when Humanity is facing the stark reality of possible extinction?
Those things that separate us and make us fight each other should be relegated to the background and we should pursue peace, joy, happiness and the progress of Humanity.
We should as much as possible eschew egocentrism, selfishness, greed and seek the common good of our society. It is when we have a unity of purpose that we can jointly confront the challenges we all face..
The communal society we have in Africa should be the starting point for teaching the rest of Humanity what it is to LOVE. This we can achieve by having a UNITED AFRICA, as we face the greatest risk of being wiped out if COVID-19 spreads into our continent due to existing poor health facilities.
Let us make every day count as we seek the face of OLODUMARE (God in Yoruba belief- as an example; also God in your ethnic belief.) to guide us in these perilous times.
God Bless Nigeria,
God bless Africa,
God bless Humanity.
Kindly Visit
Very Truly Yours
Evang Deja Vu
Please circulate widely
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