PRESS RELEASE - Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Friday, April 30, 2021



Project Africa Movement is a non-governmental initiative. The vision and mission is to unite and integrate Africa by so doing, rate Africa to the next level; so that things should get better, sickness and diseases reduced, and Africañs forget poverty. 

This is why we started the Project, which is.  also called Project Africa Unlimited, designed to link Africans in the Diaspora to Africa,   We plan to initiate Joint Ventures, that will encourage diasporans to bring in technology, & expertise, while the continent provides the terrain for agriculture, , extraction of mineral resources, by so doing bringing in enlightenment and driving away poverty and superstition from our continent. 

We are leading a massive campaign propaganda for international networking between Africans at home and in the Diaspora.

What we are trying to do is to encourage Africans; living outside Africa and TRUE FRIENDS OF AFRICA to come and invest in Africa by putting in their talents, education,  & resources into the development of Africa through meaningful projects in Agriculture, education, information technology, solid minerals, etc. Project Africa Movement is a non-governmental initiative and we are passionate about connecting with various international organization's that are focused on the development of the African continent.

We believe so much that instead of government, the private sector should be the driving Force in liberating and developing Africa,. Governments should only provide the enabling environment for the youths to exhibit their wisdom, talents and visions. Many of the youths are leaving Africa because they find it difficult to find employment opportunities

Locally, if the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission backs up this project, employment and many other things will surely be available. We don’t want Africans to stay where they are seen as second-class citizens or as Niggers. Africa is their home. They are the ones that will develop Africa when they come back.

We believe that charity begins at home. Project Africa Movement is sending a message to the Federal Government to treat security as urgent.  Nigeria needs to become a place where diaspora investments can flow iñto the country. We call the National Assembly to make laws that can create state police and local government police system to run simultaneously and side by side with the Nigerian Police Force. We believe that the Nigerian police Force and the Nigerian Army are overwhelmed by the enourmity of the banditry and terrorism plaguing our nation. Besides all hands should be on deck as our current security architecture is inadequate. They can now back police reforms with dialogue at various levels. 

Nigeria as a nation has the largest population of black Africans gathered together in one polity compared to anywhere else in the world. Any positive  improvement in the standard of living of the average Nigerian will have a ripple effect on other communities in black Africa.  The country is abundantly blessed with both natural and human resources compared to most parts of black Africa. Our government must take urgent steps to tackle the problem of insecurity.

SIGNED Eld. (Evan) SolomonAyodeji Mofolorunsho-Ogunjobi

(Social Integrationist/Strategist)

President of  Project African Movement.

Please find write ups on Project Africa at: https://ayoogunjobi,


Mr. Solomon Ayodeji Mofolorunsho-Ogunjobi

(Social Integrationist/Strategist)

President of the Project African Movement.

Please find write ups on Project Africa at:

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