Beloved, as a Nigerian, are you a part of the problems or a solution to our problems?
Despite the proliferation of religious outlets, many of the citizens of this great nation still exhibit selfishness, greed and other traits that are the very anti thesis of religious groundings. The average Nigerian is always focused on how to cut corners, take undue advantage of fairly laid down procedures for the common good. Most of the time we blame our leaders for the decadence in the society, but do we the citizens do any introspection to examine our contributions to the lack of moral values and virulent decadence?
Those who attain to leadership go through the ranks as ordinary people like you and I. When they want to go into corrupt practices, they cannot succeed without the connivance of ordinary citizens who pretend to be saints but will sell their souls for a morsel of bread. Many of them attend the church five days a week while some never miss the mosque for the five daily hours of prayer, but they are devil incarnate.
The family is the building block of every society. It is the values passed down from infancy that determine the character of people later in life. Some parents teach their children to cheat and even pay exorbitantly to assist them to pass examinations. What kind of values are they passing down to these children? How can the children be ever upright in life?
Some parents when occupying key positions embezzle public funds and live unedifying lives without bothering about the example they are showing to their children. The largest part of child education is through the emulation of their natural and God given mentors-the parents! Some of the youths are involved in cultism, drug use/dealing, alcoholism, prostitution and succumb to other vices as a result of peer pressure in addition to what they copied from their parents. Many shun orderliness in the society as they believe in the use their connections to get everything they want.
Mediocrity is glorified as round pegs are put in square holes in a society where there is no fairness.
Our focus in the fight against corruption should not be on those holding political office alone, but on the mindset of the average Nigerian. There is so much decadence in the society.
As a parent, where did i miss it?
As youths and children, where did we get it all wrong?
The future of our society depends on massive reorientation of values. We can never make any progress if we remain indisciplined and continue to enshrine mediocrity. We urgently need a change in order to play a leading role in Africa and the comity of nations and for the ascendancy of the Black peoples all over the world.
The true change starts with doing away with all those who have held or are still holding political office since independence and their stooges.They should àll retire to a two-bedroom apartment in their villages before midnight on 31st of August 2021. A Truth Pañel should be setup to try them and they are presumed guilty of misappropriation of public funds until they are proved innocent.
Their bank account àll over the World should be frozen and àll Government Assets in their possession should be dropped at the nearest Secretariat. The voice of the people is the voice of God. This is a command from the CREATOR.(OLODUMARE)
We all need to heed this command from the THRONE OF GRACE.
God Bless Nigeria
God Bless Africa
God Bless Humanity.
Kindly Visit
Very Truly Yours
Elder (Evan) SolomonAyodeji Ogunjobi (Deja Vu)à.k.a ORUNMILA messenger to OLODUMARE
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