Beloved, the pandemic the whole world is facing from the spread of the Corona Virus is enough to send fear into any mortal who does not have faith in the protective power of the CREATOR.
This virus (like death itself) is a leveler that doesn't respect age, class, race, religion or any social divide.
A theory says it is a creation of the Chinese in their bid to dominate the world economy. They were said to have outwitted the Americans and the Europeans by strategizing to buy off the shares of their industries in China.
What we now have is a case of what is similar to a Third World War, where biological weapons are being utilized . The unfortunate thing is that "when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers". Since the world is now a global village, the whole world is now in confusion because of the quest for economic dominance of a race.
The CREATOR will not abandon HIS own.
Ps 91:1& 2 says: *"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High who abides in the shadow of the Almighty will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust."
Therefore in these trying times, I admonish you brethren to keep to all the spelt out hygienic directives published in the media to protect us from the attack of the Covid 19 Virus.
At the same time, a closer relationship with God is paramount.
God bless Nigeria
God bless Africa
God bless Humanity
Kindly Visit
Very Truly Yours
Evang Deja Vu
Please Circulate Widely
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