Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Friday, February 14, 2020


INTRODUCTION: The reason why Nigeria nay Africa has not made any progress is because our political system is patterned after what we inherited from our colonial masters.

My concept of restructuring is to create new structures that cut across colonially inherited divides in the African Society which are mainly tribal, ethnic and religious differences.
If Nigeria must remain one, it must be under true Federalism.

There is a need to focus on structures that make up the fabrics of society i.e. the Executive arm of government the Legislative arm and the Judiciary all supported by the Civil Service.   

In a bid to function under the Democratic set up, imported from outside Africa, each of these three arms of government has been malfunctioning because the mostly poor and illiterate Nigerians cannot successfully elect representatives who will honestly work for the welfare of the people. 

What is supposed to be a Federal Government has continued to be operated as a Unitary Government for the greater part of the country’s independence under leaders without any vision. Most of those who have been able to ascend to leadership have been busy feathering their nests under massive corruption at the expense of the development of the society


In our bid to copy our colonial masters, the civil service structure that we inherited from them has become the engine room for corruption and the largest contributor to idle workforce. People eye top positions in the civil service with a view to enriching themselves and their kith and kin.

The politicians employ those that will favour their selfish goals into strategic positions in the civil service. Many of the civil servants cannot think beyond carrying files from one table to the other. Those who have businesses to transact with government have to bribe civil servants before their files can move from “cradle to grave”

The civil service in the three tiers of government as is presently conceived has outlived its usefulness and should be massively downsized and restructured. Those who have been in service for more than fifteen years should have enjoyed ample time to stabilize and should be retired, to be replaced by competent young graduates who have been in the labour market for about five (5) years. A few of the older civil servants who have proved to be outstanding and innovative should be retained to bring up the newly recruited trainees. Merit should be the watchword and not “who you know”

The Legislature in the state and federal level (especially in Nigeria) does not justify the huge expenses incurred in their day to day operation.
My humble suggestion is that a Think Tank made up of professionals in all works of life not appointed along ethnic, religious and tribal lines, and not more than 90 (Ninety people) should take over the functions of our present legislators who are earning outrageous salaries and allowances with no laws being passed to make life easier for the average Nigerians.  

This Think Tank should draw the blueprint on how the society can operate more efficiently with reasonable costs of their maintenance.


The executive should be headed by somebody who has an impeccable character and has been unanimously agreed by most Nigerians to have contributed to the progress of society.
The candidate should not be a corrupt moneybag who has looted the national/state treasury to succeed. He/She must have a vision that will motivate the society towards high ideals. Those to work with the national leader should be those in age-group categories who have made their mark as achievers in society without their hands being soiled. 

The present Democratic process which is stolen-money politics that has always produced government of the looters for the looters should be proscribed.

A society that is made up of mostly poor and impoverished people cannot thrive in a democratic setup that is being operated in Nigeria.


The judiciary should be restructured to facilitate speedy administration of justice, prison decongestion and should be cushioned from becoming a tool of the executive as is mostly the case in the African Democratic set up.

The independence of the judiciary should be guaranteed. Jurists should be assembled to determine the way forward for a more efficient administration of justice.  

Contributions and criticisms to the above suggestions are welcome.

God Bless Nigeria.
God Bless Africa
God Bless Humanity
Kindly visit:

Very Truly Yours
Evang. Déjà vu
Please circulate widely.         

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