From Salvation to Emancipation - Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Monday, May 28, 2018

From Salvation to Emancipation

Beloved, in our earlier discourse we asked the political elites to step aside for the establishment of GOD'S KINGDOM ON EARTH with Nigeria as the headquarters.  Today we call for a clinical surgery on the religious bodies that have been propping up these political elites. 

In the body of Christ for example there is so much deceit, hatred, suspicion and jealousy all honeycombed in the message of Salvation. Many of the Pastors who portray themselves as prayer merchants are in reality agents of the devil who are hell-bound.  The message that Africa needs now is that of Emancipation. Our people have been in the dungeon of poverty for too long. 

Our slogan should be HARAMBEE. Africa should unite to confront the forces of darkness that have kept us down for so long irrespective of our ethnic, tribal, national & religious differences. Let us all join hands to make Africa the next and most vibrant civilization. Evang Deja Vu

To be able to move closer to our CREATOR, Humanity has to take a step forward from Salvation to Emancipation.
     Presently there has been a greater focus on salvation of souls especially in Christiandom. Salvation involves the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss or and destruction. Believers strive to preserve or deliver from harm, ruin or loss the so called unbelievers through the preaching of the gospel of the risen Christ.
   They encourage them to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior who was born of a virgin and sent to the world for the remission of the sins of disobedience of our Ancestors (Adam and Eve) and after death rose again on the third day. The message of salvation (as preached In Africa and the Third World especially) has led to the proliferation of churches and docility especially among the greater population of the inhabitants who are mostly poor and illiterate. Truly religion is the opium of the poor masses as they look up to the Creator for sustenance by believing that those who are preaching the word to them are intermediaries between them and the Creator.
    It is this belief that has partly kept Africa and the third World as the poorest and most underdeveloped areas of the world. Most of the founders of these churches and mosques feed on the fears of their members to exploit them while they live in affluence and their members strive to survive believing that their breakthrough will come by payment of various offerings, vows, tithes, gifts etc.
    Very few of the churches earnestly follow the command of our Lord Jesus Christ as given to all His disciples in Mathew 28 vs. 18-20. This is especially true of many of the churches who have failed to reach out for souls, but their god is their belly. They have failed to reach out to the unreached parts of the world to make disciples of nations as commanded by Christ. This is especially true of the mushroom Pentecostal, white garment, and even some orthodox churches.
    The same way that the importation of foreign ideologies and political philosophies were bastardized has led to many of these churches Africanizing the message of salvation as imported from Europe mainly to fill their pockets, live in affluence while their congregation live in poverty expecting a miracle someday.
   A poor, depressed, suppressed and oppressed man who does not know where the next meal is coming from may in the presence of the preacher accept the message of salvation but immediately the preacher turns his back, the message is pushed to the back burner.
    This is where Emancipation – which is the act or process of being set free from legal social or political restrictions comes in. It is being free from restraint, influence or the likes. Many Earthlings do not appreciate the fact that there is a spark of the Creator deposited inside of each person that makes him/her different from every other person on earth. This shows the awesomeness of God in that there are no two people created alike by God notwithstanding the billions of people that are on earth. 1 Cor 3 vs. 16 says – Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
   The temple of God is not the physical structure where you go to fellowship with other believers. The spirit of God dwells in every individual who cares to open up him/her self to Him. Our bodies are the temple of God that habours this spirit.
    We all have different measures of the Spirit depending on how we focus on allowing the inner man to overcome the flesh that normally lead us into sin. Everyone needs to know that it is wrong to use anyone else as a standard on how to live a fulfilled life.
     To fulfill your destiny, you must allow the spark of God in you to grow to a flame that will bring out the best in you. You need to free your mind from legal, social or political restrictions from every restraint or influence which will prevent you from fulfilling your destiny. This you can achieve by asking and allowing the Holy Spirit to take complete control of your life.
    You are born to be great in your own personal calling. There are diversities of calling. It is when everyone strives to fulfill his/her calling that there will be a  synergy that leads to development in the society and humanity will move up closer to the Creator.
      Each and every one of us is born to be great. Since the spirit of God resides in you, you are God with a small g (god). Aspire to be great as you are about to enter into the miraculous


Very Truly Yours
Solomon Ayodeji, Olugbenga, Ogunmola Ogunjobi  (Déjà Vu).a.k.a ORUNMILA messenger to OLODUMARE
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