Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Thursday, October 20, 2022


Beloved, the church in Africa today has contributed to the distortion and the bastardization of many traditional African values. Some of them in their attempt at piety claim to be Bible-believing churches, while their injunctions are drawn from the New Testament of the Bible only. In reality, most of the New Testament was written by Apostle Paul, who is a mere mortal like you and I.
All the churches preach Against Polygamy, which is a well-accepted social practice both in Africa and the Old Testament of the Bible. The ratio of unmarried women to men in Africa today does not justify Monogamy which is alien to our culture. There are so many young women of marriageable age who have remained single because the prevailing economic setting on the Continent has resulted in the dearth of bachelors who can take care of them in marriage. This is why there is so much promiscuity and sexual laxity in society. Some of these young ladies in desperation end up as single parents, a status which the Church frowns at. Some of them take up the first available suitor who they believe is their-bone-of-their-bone only to end up in broken homes and the church frowns at them remarrying even though they made a mistake in their choice. Some churches introduce pregnancy tests before marriage which can not be justified anywhere in the Bible. Some insist on a Church Wedding claiming that it's only after this is performed that the marriage is blessed. In the African traditional setting, once the Bride Price is paid and accepted by her family, a woman is adjudged to be legally married and does not compulsorily need the blessings of clergy or a court. Any man that has the resources to cater for the welfare of women in a polygamous setting should be free to do so, as long as he can provide LOVE and Tender Care for their families. Another distortion to the interpretation of the Bible by some churches in Africa today is the substitution of fruit juice or non-alcoholic beverages for the Communion wine. This they justify on the premise that it's a sin to drink alcohol. Jesus Christ in whose remembrance the Church today is built performed HIS first miracle àt Canaan in Galilee by turning water into wine. It is therefore an aberration to now claim that the drinking of wine especially àt the Communion Table is wrong. So long as it is done in moderation, there is nothing wrong with the drinking of alcohol. Some churches especially the Pentecostals expend huge resources in setting up missions outside the African Continent in their perceived notion of "Winning the World for Christ". The resources gathered from a Continent that is riddled with superstition, poverty, hunger, and Illiteracy is now being expended abroad instead of being used to take care of the needs of the majority of our poor African folks. Some even massage their ego by donating ambulances and gifts to foreign climes disregarding the needs of their congregation. Charity they say begins at home. Gigantic auditoria are constructed by some of them from the resources of their congregation, many of who do not have a house they can call their own. In their so-called attempt at the Development of Human Capital, some of them build profit-oriented educational institutions which only the children of the Elite and the privileged few can afford, leaving no opportunity for the common folks. They encourage their worshippers to spend their hard-earned resources on pilgrimage to the perceived Holy Land while the God they seek to please is within their reach and all they need to do is to build up their FAITH to feel HIS presence. There is a proliferation of Churches with many of them establishing parishes which are merely cash collection Centers. Some of them have their congregation aligned along tribal lines especially in Nigeria. ALL Africañs need a RE-THINK. We have to appreciate that the CREATOR has been kind to us regardless of the adversity we have faced in the past. This is because HE has bestowed on us unmerited favor by deciding to Establish HIS Earthly Kingdom in the Welfarist Society of the United African States with the seat of Political Government in Ilesa Ijesaland Osun State Nigeria. The leaders of the Church in Africa who have been confusing the majority of Africañs through ignorance or wilful deceit, should seek forgiveness from the CREATOR and amend their ways failure to which they face eternal Damnation. Henceforth the only recognized church in Africa will be the RENEWED African Church which will be responsible for controlling the affairs of ALL Churches in the Welfarist Society of the United African States. A WORD IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE WISE. Shalom. Welcome to the MIRACULOUS God Bless the Universe. Kindly Visit Quintinssentially Yours Evan. Solomon Ayodeji Mofolorunso-OGUNJOBI (ORUNMILA/Déjà Vu) KING OF KINGS and The CONTROLLER OF THE UNIVERSE. Please Circulate Worldwide for Ripple Effect. SPONSORED BY JAMESON SOLOMOÑ CONSULTS SUPPORTED BY SAMSOL NIG LTD.

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