Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Saturday, May 22, 2021


>DOXOLOGY;ANOTHER WARNING> Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow. Praise HIM àll Creatures here below. Praise HIM above ye Heavenly HOSTS.Praise FATHER, SON And HOLY GHOST. Beloved, àll living members of the Political Elites and their stooges (who have held or currently hold key positions in Government) all over Nigeria, are in their own interests prophetically advised to move to a 2-bedroom apartment in their villages until their cases are determined. A Truth Panel (to be set up by Solomon Ayodeji Ogunjobi) will commence seating on their cases in the second week of February 2022., They are all presumed guilty of misappropriation of public funds and Crime against Humanity until they are proved innocent.All Government Assets in their possession should be deposited àt the nearest Secretariats, Failure to which they face the wrath of OLODUMARE .All their assets are forfeited to the State and all they own is the 2-bedroom apartment in their villages.. Those of them who did not have the foresight to construct a 2-bedroom apartment in their villages should rent same. Their Bank Accounts ÀLL OVER THE WORLD are hereby Frozen. ;To be forewarned is to be forearmed. A word is enough for the wise. "Teach me the best that àll the World may know what it is to have come from thee.Teach me that I into the World may go, Struggling ever for Thy Fame IGBOBI Give me a TORCH which shall shine and pour on ALL afar and near IT'S RADIANCE DIVINE.Let Hills and Vale These Tidings Bear wherever there is an IGBOBIAN there also is a NOBLE AFRICAN; UP IC Harambee OLODUMARE Bless The Welfarist Society of the United African States OUR CREATOR Grant Peace to The UÑIVERSE Kiñdly Visit Yours Truly SOLOMON AYODEJI OLUGBENGA OGUNMOLA OGUNJOBI (DEJA VU) The KING OF KINGS and The CONTROLLER OF THE UNIVERSE Please Circulate Worldwide for Ripple Effect. POWERED BY JAMESON SOLOMON CONSULTS .. ASSISTED BY SAMSOL NIG LTD

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