Beloved, I make bold to say that the Yorubas are the torchbearers of the black race. Their illuminating role has been kept under the covers of darkness by the unholy wedlock in which they have found themselves in the tribal amalgamation called Nigeria.
Unfortunately most of their past leaders lacked the courage and conviction to break out of this unholy union and have kept on going into visionless unfavorable negotiations which has kept in power the Northern Oligarchy imposed by our former çolonial masters.
Such negotiations have always been in the selfish interest of the political elite who are constantly being recycled and who are limited to less than 3% of the almost 200millioñ population of the nation.
The current selfproclaimed leader who is very influential in the ruling party in the country is one of the sacred cows that should have been prosecuted if the party's claim to fighting corruption is sincere.
Totally Machiavellian in his political strategies, this self-styled leader does not care about whose horse is gored in the path to the achievement of his political ambition. He is so selfish with a me... me... me...... me philosophy without bothering about his legacy to humanity. He keeps on amassing wealth at the expense of society and utilizing part of the funds gathered together to buy up votes at election times.
His target is the exalted leadership of the nation using a party which possesses no motivating ideology that addresses the welfare of the ordinary citizens as a vehicle for attaining his goal.
He has used his past position in public service to amass so much wealth and despite his no more being in service, a good percentage of the income tax returns in the state where he served still goes into his coffers.
He enjoys being the power broker determining who is who in Yoruba politics bereft of the Omoluabi quality for which the Yorubas are known and wielding power like a Capo of the Mafia.
The Yorubas urgently need to put thier house in order . We have many committed indegenes who possess the true Omoluabi quality for which we are known. We need leaders who will leave a positive legacy to the coming generations and be a source of inspiration to humanity and the black race.
We need to play a role that will challenge our other African brothers to a healthy competition as to who is the leader in the race for the Total Emancipation of the African Continent. We need to turn the perceived disadvantage of the Partition of Africa to a stepping stone to tribal and National Competition in the direction of the Total Freedom and Unity of Africa.
We also need at this END TIME to strategize the homecoming of our brothers and youths in the Diaspora whose resources and talents are required to develop the African Continent (OUR MOTHERLAND.)
Welcome to a new beginning.
God Bless Africa
God Bless Humanity.
Kindly Visit
Very Truly Yours
Elder (Evan) Solomoñ Ayodeji Ogunjobi. (Deja Vu)a.k.a. ORUNMILA messenger to OLODUMARE
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