Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Monday, January 7, 2019



State 55 is a people’s movement of like-minded Afrikans (with diaspora chapters across the globe) who believe in the Unification of the Afrikan Continent.

We foster unity among the people of Afrika and those of Afrikan descent in order to secure a humane place for all.

There are 55 Independent States in Afrika which forms the basis of the derivation of the name of the organisation. Our strength is dependent on the number of people that join hands with us to find solutions to the challenges we face as Africans which include, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, corruption etc. We intend to draw out expansive rallies of the Afrikan masses to frog leap from the African Union to people-driven United Afrikan States which is independent and inwardly poised.

Without a stable strong and prosperous Afrika which is at peace with herself and free from corruption and underhand methods the Afrikan people cannot just hope to attain dignity and due regard in the global community. 

Our fate is intertwined with the fate of every Afrikan beyond the shores of Afrika. Thus, the need to act together. State 55 is a uniting force that brings Afrikan people together in order to choose by themselves a path to prosperity for Afrikans.

Never in our history have the ordinary Afrikan masses united across the entire continent with one voice to claim a place on the worldmap. We understand that unity is our only way out of misery, poverty, wars, humiliation, social degradation and destitution of our people.

We invite you to join hands with us in facing this onerous task ahead.  
Visit our website:

Contact us Mobile: +260950201186, +260977453132

Please circulate worldwide


Fellow Africans, you are welcome to this epoch-making meeting focused on deliberating on moving this continent from obscurity to the most sought after investment hub of the world and through its envisaged positive transformation, the progress achieved by Humanity will move the world closer to Olodumare our Creator.

That you are present here today is not by accident. It is because God sees in you, a desire to make life easier for the coming generations. It is because God sees you as a catalyst for true change. A change that will fundamentally catapult Africa to greatness. To become God’s own Continent. A change that will push away poverty, hunger, Illiteracy diseases e.t.c. which have been the bane of this continent despite the fact that most of her countries have been  “independent” for decades with nothing positive to show for it.

A large percentage of Africans are in the Diaspora and many more are still striving to get out of the continent because of the hardship the average African is going through in order to make ends meet. The few who constitute the political Elite continue to milk the continent dry without proffering solutions to the social, economic and political problems the continent is facing.

In Nigeria, the political elite which constitute about 2% (Two Percent) of a population of almost 200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million) are already preparing for another four year period of looting, They lack the solution to solving the country’s problems because most of them seek political positions because of the public funds that will be made available to them when they succeed.

It is time for us to push money politics to the background. It is time to look-out for new ways of changing the fortunes of the average African. It is time to focus more on trade and investment from outside Africa, especially from our brothers and sisters who have chosen to stay in the Diaspora because of the hardship they face at home. Which brings me to the reason why we are gathered here today.

Many Africans in the Diaspora are doing well and are on top of their games. Majority of them are staying aboard because the economic climate is better than what it is at home and they are able to actualize their goals even though most of them are being used more or less as slaves.
Evang. Deja Vu suggests that we build up a massive international propaganda machine that will convince Africans in the Diaspora and friends of Africa to come and invest on the continent.
We cannot continue to leave the thinking and planning to civil servants and politicians whose eyes and minds are glued on available public funds, thinking more of what percentage they can corner into their pockets instead of the welfare of the populace
It is suggested that joint ventures and Co-operatives in every sector, of the economy should be focused on, instead of the massive investment in politics in which the politicians are the ones that are better-off, while the average African keeps on struggling.

In Nigeria for example, the cost of the democratic government is so expensive, that after fifty eight years (58 years) of so called independence, the common man is still worse off for it.

We need your suggestions and if possible financial support on how to build up the most cost-effective propaganda machine that will cause an inflow of venture capital and encourage our brothers, sisters and friends to relocate to Africa. Such venture capital is to finance our Africans must feed Africa Project thereby eradicating hunger; Firm-up and re-strategize our Open-University system, overhaul the primary and secondary school system to Eradicate Illiteracy and also    set up a welfare system to cater especially for the children and those who have retired and cannot fend for themselves again, most of whom are usually widows and elders above 70 years of age.
To achieve all these, we need the right political atmosphere Project Africa Unlimited should be seen as a pressure group of Crusaders fighting for the Soul of Africa.

Apart from building a propaganda machine to convince our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora we also need to carry along Africans residing on the continent, starting with Nigeria.

Africa has to wake up from her slumber. Enough of this massive exploitation by the political Elite. You and I, present here as well as others who will join us will; constitute the Think Tank that will design the blueprint for the Emancipation of the average African.

Olodumare is on our side in our bid to make Africa the next and most vibrant civilization on earth. Let us key into this vision.

God Bless Nigeria
God bless Africa
God Bless Humanity
Very Truly Yours
Evang. Solomon Ayodeji Olugbenga Ogunmola Ogunjobi (Deja Vu)
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1 comment:

  1. Greater works sir heaven will strengthen you to do more for this generation and a wonderful legacy you will bequeath on us sir


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