3 (Three) Prophetic Encounters with “Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye” - Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Ayo Ogunjobi's Blog. DEJA VU

Welcome to God Kingdom on Earth (Deja vu)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

3 (Three) Prophetic Encounters with “Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye”

                                                                 Pastor E. A Adeboye

3 (Three) Prophetic Encounters with “Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye”

My first prophetic Touch from this man of God was in 1996 when life was so difficult for me and my mother-in-law, who hails from Ifewara (the same town as the G.O) took me and another of her daughters-in-law (now late) to Pastor Adeboye for prayers. The prayer was over in less than 2 minutes with just a hand shake.
Two years after this I joined the workforce of RCCG on the persuasion of my Wife
In 2013 I went on Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (On the sponsorship of a generous brother in my parish). On one of the nights in my Hotel room in Israel, I tarried in prayers throughout the night and Olodumare instructed me to go and receive another touch from this great man of God. The CREATOR assured me that I would receive a multiple portion of his annointing if I touch him.

The next day, I looked for an opportunity to meet him and introduced myself to him as one of his sons who he prayed for in 1996 when things were very tough for me. He asked if things were better now and I replied (in faith) in the affirmative. He shook my hand again and blessed me.

After this touch, the whole course of my pilgrimage changed especially after I baptized myself in the River Jordan. There was a place in Israel where we were told to write our request in a book. There i requested of OLODUMARE that I became a blessing to this generation and that i draw HUMANITY closer to the CREATOR. There was also a place where we were told to face a wall and put our requests on paper and put it into a hole in the wall. There i requested of the LORD that i be granted the GRACE to lift the yoke off the oppressed, the supressed and the depressed especially the poor and the needy Worldwide especially in Africa and the Third WORLD. I also requested that I be made an instrument of HIS will on Earth and a battle-axe of HIS KINGDOM.

I came back from Jerusalem with a mandate and resolve to fulfil àll that I requested of OLODUMARE 
The third and final touch from this man of God was at an anointing service in the Redemption Camp where he specially anointed Elders above Sixty years old.

My Evangelical Ministry took a new turn from what it was before I went to Israel and building on that, God through the Holy spirit has been Sending me a series of messages especially since April, 2018 which are captured in my blog; 

The messages are of Hope for Humanity especially for the Black people both in Africa and the Diaspora and doom for corrupt Nigerian Politicians, their families and their stooges 

The real criminals are not yet behind the bars 
The Obstacles to the establishment of God’s kingdom in Nigeria & to reaching out to the rest of Humanity are these Politicians ,some civil  servants & some so-called men of God who through their activities are bent on maintaining the status quo  in this great country,

Most living past and present public servants (both military and civilians) should cover their faces in shame because of their selfishness and greed and should go and hide in their villages until after they have been proved innocent by a Truth Panel which should be set up as a matter of urgency to investigate the source of the wealth of all those who have embezzled funds whilst they were in public service 

The ripple effect of an improvement in the standard of living of the average Nigerian/African will spread to the rest of Humanity because Nigeria is the largest Gathering of Black People all over the world. If all the corrupt public servants are done away with, there will be progress for humanity
Welcome to God’s kingdom on Earth.

Very Truly Yours.

Evan.(Eld)Solomon Ayodeji Olugbenga Ogunmola Ogunjobi (Déjà vu)a,k.a ORUNMILA messenger to OLODUMARE Kindly Circulate Widely for Ripple Effect

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